Monday, January 28, 2013


Don't you just love a Monday morning? No?
Im far from a morning person and have a hard time getting out of bed to my alarm.Mondays however, are my favorite days.
After spending the weekend with my guys, socializing, running errands, eating well, meeting friends and marking things off our to-do list, Im ready for routine. I find myself enjoying the quiet of just one little while I get some cleaning done and start tackling my work.
Even with the constant interruptions from Owen who is bored and missing his brothers, Mondays are still my favorite day of the week.

Friday, January 25, 2013

First Day

Owen had his first session of Kinderstart today.

In our province, kids attend 4-6 Kinderstart sessions the year prior to attending Kindergarten. It allows them to meet their new teacher, see their classroom, get a feel for what their days will be like and interact with the other children. We didn't have anything like it where I grew up, but it really is a fantastic program in terms of transition.

In the hour that Owen was there he played with a stamp set and did some building with blocks. Then had a bit of circle/story time, followed by station activities. He was able to finish all the crafts/ assignments before the time was up but the poor kid was tired. By the end of it, all he wanted to do was sit on Daddy's lap while the other kids sang a goodbye song. Perhaps we'll work on taking our time when doing things in the future! ;)

Thursday, January 24, 2013


For any readers on facebook, you probably already know that Jason and I are expecting. Surprise!

Honestly, we didn't plan to have any children together. I already have four and we both felt that was enough. Life apparently happened though and we're expecting a new addition in July. The fun part being that this little one is apparently a honeymoon baby, but lets not tell him/her that.

In about a month we'll know if we're having a fifth boy or our first girl. Im routing for the girl, but I know how this goes so Im waiting to see. How cute would little pink dresses be though?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Slow Down

The speed at which 2012 seemed to pass was acceptable to me. Jason and I got engaged in December of 2011 and had a 10 month engagement. Add in the children and we had a busy year. Throughout it all, I kept saying, "let's just get past the wedding." Re-enrolling the kids in taekwondo? After the wedding. Christmas shopping? After the wedding. Home repairs? After the wedding.

Well the wedding came and went, oh about 3.5 months ago. We spent the month following it with thanksgiving, our honeymoon in Italy, Halloween and celebrating Jamie's birthday. Before we knew it, Christmas was around the corner and I was definitely overwhelmed. Winter is Jason's busy time at work and he could literally work 18 hour days, 7 days a week, if he wanted. Which he did, sometimes.

But the madness of 2012 is over. We're almost a solid month into 2013 and things should be slowing down. But they're not.

My business (that I thought about starting last spring) was finally put in motion earlier this month. I've jumped through a lot of hoops in the last 8 months to get to this point, but we're finally here and Im so excited. I get to spend my days alternating between the computer (where the majority of my work takes place, for now), entertaining Owen, running errands and cleaning. Don't get me wrong, this is exactly what I wanted. I just sometimes wish there were a few more hours in the day to get it all done!

For those interested, here's the link to my new business website: It's still under construction so the links don't actually go anywhere, but the web designer is working on it so hopefully soon!