Friday, March 27, 2009

He's a keeper

This whole dating this is obviously hit or miss and doing it with kids makes it really difficult to actually find someone. Apparently though, I seem to have found a definite candidate for the role of My Prince Charming.

Jason surprised me last night by showing up after work with a bunch of groceries to make dinner for the kids and I. Because it was a surprise, I obviously didn't know and had just given the kids their dinner; but that just made it all the nicer when we did sit down to eat together. He was a little disappointed that we couldn't talk much without interruptions, but it was still lovely.

Excuse the blur on the picture, my camera was on some weird setting....


Amanda said...

That is great! He'll get used to the dinner conversation with interuptions. Have a great weekend!

Mommy Daisy said...

Wow, that was really sweet.

Kristi said...

That was so sweet. You've gotta love a man who cooks.

Sabin said...

He cooks?! Yeha, hang on to that one!

Astarte said...

That sounds like a nice person. I'm glad that you've found someone that you can be happy around!