Thursday, August 6, 2009


#1. So the foot:
Sunday morning, almost 24 hours after it happened

.....And today:

Yes, it hurts. I got a call this morning from the radiologist asking that I come back for more x-rays and a reassessment. I couldn't make it today, which really freaking sucks because now Im all worried and stressy thinking about what could be wrong. It's been five full days and I still can't put any weight on it. Fail!

#2. Astarte also asked about the job and I realised that I forgot to tell you all. I actually turned down the job. It was seriously low pay and would actually barely pay for child care. Im still hopeful that I will find something in my field soon. I have three job ads saved in windows on my computer at the moment waiting for me to put together application packages for each of them. Then tomorrow the careers section of the local paper is released online for the week. So we'll see.

#3. I've been reading a lot of fiction lately. And not just any fiction, this stuff is trashy, sometimes badly written, and pointless. But I'm loving it. Jason is a big movie buff and Im not so much. So reading now gives me the perfect opportunity to sit with him without being bored to death! I spent 6 years in school without so much as a summer off and so I stayed away from books for awhile but now I seem to be in full force. I devour them in days or even hours. The best part is the last three that I have picked up were from stores within five minutes from my house and they were all under 5 dollars, on clearance. Love it!

Now all I need is for this ankle to heal up so I can enjoy the rest of this summer.

On second thought, keeping my leg elevated gives me lots of time to read. Hmmm....


Just Vegas said...

Wow, I sprained my ankle (for the first time) three weeks ago. The swelling is almost gone now. Mine was not nearly that bad and it was seriously some of the worst pain I've ever felt. Yikes.

Kristi said...

Whoa...I've never sprained my ankle before and now I hope to never have to go through awful!!!!

Mommy Daisy said...

Wow, that is horrible Cherish! I hope that it heals quickly for you.