Wednesday, September 3, 2008

And the winner is....

Dr. Maureen! But dont fret those of you who did not win; I have won ANOTHER PIF. Oh yes! I'll wait to recieve the giftie before I post any details or host the next contest, so stay tuned...

In other news, Rayden started grade two today. He says he likes his teacher and its all the same kids as last year so it wasnt too much of an adjustment.
The other three boys and I met some friends at the park for the afternoon while we waited for school to get out:

Its so nice to have a car again. I havent been without one since Rayden was a baby and now that Ive gone four months I certainly have a new appreciation for that luxury.

There is a home for rent about 10 minutes from where I am staying now that Im not sure about. It is brand new and there is no apt in the basement (extremely common around here for two apt homes) so it is expensive. Because it is outside of he city though it is much cheaper than a similar one within. My problem is that it is $150/month more than I was paying before. Because it is so big I could take on a room mate but they would have to be someone I knew because of the kids. But Im not sure I can find someone willing to do this. Ive asked my cousin who used to visit us daily when we had our own place but she's not sure if she could swing it. I really love the house though and there is a school and daycare a few houses down. Oh my, what to do?


Astarte said...

Hooray for a car!!!!

Well, I would have to vote no on that apartment since it's more than you were paying before and that proved to be super hard for you. The last thing you need is more hardship.

Unless.... have you ever thought about doing aftercare? If there are any parents at the school who need aftercare, you could take a few of them in for maybe $20 a week apiece, and three kids would mean $240 a month. The only problem with that would be you'd need to go under the table, and I don't know if that would mess up your state funding.

Whimsy said...

Congrats to the PiF winner!!! Now just keep us posted when you send it on (with a picture - I want to see what you do to decorate the box)... I'll update the link when that happens. Yay!!!

Jenny Grace said...

I didn't have a car from when Gabriel was 4 months to like 14 months old. It got tiresome pretty fast, although I rode my bike everywhere, which meant I was in pretty great shape.