Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Weight loss update

Ok so it is 1am and Im still sitting here at my computer, chatting with Melissa and going over my shopping list for tomorrow. Im still way over budget so there is lots of trimming to do, but Im not really with it enough to figure out what to cut. Then there is the laundry that is still in the living room (folded, at least) that I need to go through to find a decent shirt for Rayden's picture day tomorrow. I know there are a bunch of his clothes downstairs in the dryer that are probably all wrinkled too....

But on a brighter note, Ive been noticing myself in the mirror all day thinking that this weight loss thing is finally showing again. I haven't seen the number move on the scale in awhile though so I thought maybe it was just what I was wearing. But then for kicks I thought I would hop on the scale tonight, just to check. Wouldn't you know, Im down another couple of lbs?! Ive been going around thinking that Ive gained a little back, but instead Im down! So that brings me to 161 now. I was 188 this time last year, right before I became pregnant with Josiah. I know Im not fat, but I still feel like I am. Ive always been chubby and up until not too long ago, I was considered obese. Its nice to see pics like these ones (taken about an hour ago) and not see fat. Its funny because I usually see myself as much bigger than what I see in those pics.


Jay said...

Good for you, that's so great!!

Amanda said...

Good for you! And good luck. Don't get frustrated either.