Monday, November 17, 2008

The state of the boob

I didn't realise until after I read all your comments on my last post that I didn't give any sort of an update on my boob. After two days of being really careful to make sure that Josiah drained it as often as possible, I didn't wear anything tight and that the lump was actually going away; everything cleared up. The fever and headache lasted until Friday/Saturday-ish and the lump was gone Thursday. The pain left somewhere in there too, but I don't remember when.

Its crazy but Wednesday night I was actually afraid to go to sleep because I kept picturing Josiah screaming beside me for hours and me not waking up because of the fever. Or what it I actually died and the kids just thought I was sleeping the next morning and just left me there while they played until someone happened to come by! Man, my thoughts were a little crazy that night I tell you. But all is well now and hopefully that will be the last time I go through boob related illnesses.


Swistle said...


Kristi said...

I'm so glad that it's all better!

I get all freaked out too that something would happen to me, and Kaeli wouldn't know what to do. Then one day, out of the blue, she said that if I died she would take our dog and go to our neighbor's house to ask for help. It was morbid, but at least she has a plan!!!

Mommy Daisy said...

Whew! Glad that you're feeling better.

Astarte said...

Oh, thank heavens!!! I was actually worrying about those things for you, too!!!!!! I'm so glad Boobie is feeling better.

Amanda said...

Its good to hear your boob and you are doing much better :)